- Bras, H. (work in progress). Low Fertility in a High-Fertility Society. Childless and One-Child Families in a 19th-Century Dutch Region
- Bras, H. & R. Sear (work in progress). Introduction to the Special Collection on the Power of the Family, Demographic Research.
- Bras, H., A. Remund, & V. Delaunay (Under Review). Trajectories of childbearing in a West African setting: Beyond spacing, stopping, and postponing?
- Bras, H. & J. Smits (2022). Contexts of Reproduction: Gender Dynamics and Unintended Birth in sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Marriage and Family, 84, 438–456.
- Bras, H. & J. Mandemakers (2022). Maternal Education and Sibling Inequalities in Child Nutritional Status in Ethiopia, SSM – Population Health, 17,101041.
- Bras, H. (2021). Ruimtelijke verschillen in culturele overtuigingen en vruchtbaarheid in Nederland. In: Elles Bulder, Marijn Molema, & Vincent Tassenaar (red.), Spitten in de economische, sociale en regionale geschiedenis. Essays opgedragen aan prof. dr. Maarten Duijvendak bij zijn emeritaat, 93-106. Hilversum: Verloren. ISBN: 9789087049737
- Madjdian, D.S., K. Cunningham, H. Bras, M. Koelen, L. Vaandrager, R. P. Adhikari, & E.F. Talsma (2021), Unravelling adolescent girls’ aspirations in Nepal: status and associations with individual-, household-, and community-level characteristics, PLoS ONE 16(11): e0258416.
- Azupogo, F., Abizari, A., Aurino, E., Gelli, A., Osendarp, S.J.M., Bras, H., Feskens, E.J., Brouwer, I.D. (Early Online),Trends and Factors Associated with the Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Ghana: A Secondary Analysis of the 2003-2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) Data, Public Health Nutrition.
- Sparrow, R., R. Agustina, H. Bras, G. Sheila, M. Rieger, A. Yumna, E. Feskens, A. Melse-Boonstra (2021). Adolescent Nutrition – Developing a Research Agenda for the Second Window of Opportunity in Indonesia, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 42: S9-S20.
- Van Tuijl, C., D. Madjdian, H. Bras, & B. Chalise (2021), Sociocultural and economic determinants of stunting and thinness among adolescent boys and girls in Nepal, Journal of Biosocial Science, 4: 531 – 556.
- Kunto, Y. & H. Bras (2021). Sibling inequalities and the role of the mother’s education in childhood overweight: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Survey, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 42:S21-S38.
- Bras, H. (2021). Heterogeneity in ‘High Fertility’ Societies: Insights from Compositional Demography, Historical Life Course Studies 10:106-111.
- Wennemers, S. & H. Bras (2021). Surviving in Overijssel. An Analysis of Life Expectancy, 1812-1912, Historical Life Course Studies 10:156-161.
- Kok, J., H. Bras, & R.L. Zijdeman (2021). Not Like Everybody Else. Essays in Honor of Kees Mandemakers, Historical Life Course Studies 10:106-111.
- Azupogo, F., Abizari, A., Aurino, E., Gelli, A., Osendarp, S.J.M., Bras, H., Feskens, E.J., Brouwer, I.D. (2020), Malnutrition , Hypertension Risk and Correlates: An Analysis of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey Data for 15-19 Years Adolescent Boys and Girls, Nutrients 12, 2737; doi:10.3390/nu12092737.
- Dede, K. & H. Bras. 2020. Exclusive breastfeeding patterns in Tanzania: Do individual, household, or community factors matter? International Breastfeeding Journal 15, 32.
- Bras, H. & M. Sanchez-Dominguez. 2019.The Ties that Bind. Marriage and Social Networks in the Modern Age (1920-present). In C. Simmons (Ed.), A Cultural History of Marriage. Volume 6: The Modern Age (1920-2000+). (pp. 71-84). London: Bloomsbury Press.
- Rotering, P. & H. Bras. 2019. The age difference between spouses and reproduction in 19th century Sweden, Demographic Research 41 (article 37):1059-1090.
- Bras, H. & R. Schumacher. 2019. Changing gender relations, declining fertility? An analysis of childbearing trajectories in 19th-century Netherlands, Demographic Research 41 (article 30):873-912.
- Kunto, Y. & H. Bras. 2019. Ethnic group differences in dietary diversity among primary school-aged children in Indonesia: The roles of gender and household SES, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 40(2):182-201.
- Bras, H. & B. Suanet. 2018. Family Systems and spousal age differences in nineteenth and early twentieth century Netherlands, In: P. Puschmann & T. Riswick (Eds.) (2018). Building Bridges: Scholars, History and Historical Demography. A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Theo Engelen. (pp. 421-446). Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers.
- Madjdian, D.S., F. Azupogo, S.J.M. Osendarp, H. Bras, & I. Brouwer. 2018. Socio-cultural and economic determinants and consequences of adolescent undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in LLMICs: A systematic narrative review, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1416:117-139.
- Kunto, Y. & H. Bras. 2018. Women’s empowerment and gender inequalities in adolescent nutritional status: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Study, Journal of Biosocial Science, 50(5):640-665.
- Mönkediek, B. & H. Bras. 2018. Family systems and fertility intentions: exploring the pathways of influence. European Journal of Population. 34(1):33-57.
- Mönkediek, B., Rotering, P.P, & H. Bras. 2017. Regional Differences in the Intergenerational Transmission of Family Size in Europe, Population, Space and Place 23: e2003.
- Kok, J., Bras, H. and Rotering, P. 2016. Courtship and bridal pregnancy in The Netherlands, 1870-1950, Annales de Demographique Historique, 2, 165-191.
- Bras, H. & J. Kok. 2016. Diverging pathways? Sibling differences in marriage timing in a commercialized rural region of the Netherlands, 1860-1940, pp. 189-206 in: F. Boudjaaba, C. Mouysset, & C. Doucet-Seidden (eds.). Brothers and Sisters from the Middle Ages to the Present. Frères et sœurs du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Madjdian, D.S. & Bras, H. 2016. Family, Gender, and Women’s Nutritional Status: A Comparison Between Two Himalayan Communities in Nepal, Economic History of Developing Regions, 31:1, 198-223.
- Mönkediek, B. & Bras, H. 2016. The Interplay of Family Systems, Social Networks and Fertility in Europe; Cohorts Born Between 1920 and 1960, Economic History of Developing Regions 31:1, 136-166.
- Bras, H. 2015. Inequalities in Food Security and Nutrition. A Life Course Perspective. Wageningen: Wageningen University.
- Mönkediek, B., Rotering, P.P, & H. Bras. 2015. Regional Differences in the Intergenerational Transmission of Family Size in Europe, Population, Space and Place. Online First.
- Rotering, P.P. & H. Bras. 2015. With the help of kin? Household composition and reproduction in the Netherlands, 1842 – 1920, Human Nature 26:102-121.
- Bras, H. 2014. Structural and diffusion effects in the Dutch fertility transition, 1870-1940, Demographic Research 30:151-186.
- Mönkediek, B. & H. Bras. 2014. Strong and weak family ties revisited: reconsidering European family structures from a network perspective, The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 19(2): 235-259.
- Boonstra, O., Bras, H., Derks, M. 2014. Historical Research on Cultural Life Scripts. An Exploration of Opportunities and Future Prospects, Historical Social Research 39(1): 7-18.
- Bras, H. 2014. The Influence of Popular Beliefs about Childbirth on Fertility Patterns in Mid-Twentieth-Century Netherlands, Historical Social Research 39(1):76-103.
- Suanet, B. & H. Bras. 2014. Sibling Position and Marriage Timing in the Netherlands, 1840-1922: A Comparison across Social Classes, Local Contexts, and Time, Journal of Family History 39(2), 126-139.
- Matthijs, K, P. Puschmann, H. Bras & A. Janssens (eds). 2013, Gender in/en demografie. Jaarboek demografie. Acco: Leuven.
- Bras, H. & J. Van Bavel (guest editors) 2013. The intergenerational transmission of reproductive behavior: Comparative perspectives. Special Issue of The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 18(2).
- Bras, H., J. Van Bavel, & K. Mandemakers. 2013. Unravelling the intergenerational transmission of fertility: Genetic and shared-environment effects during the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1810-1910. The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 18(2):116-134.
- Matthijs, K., J. Kok & H. Bras. 2012. Leren van historische levenslopen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Acco: Leuven.
- Suanet, B. & H. Bras. 2012. De plek in de kinderrij. Geboortepositie en huwelijkstiming in vijf Nederlandse provincies, 1840-1922′, pp. 181-198 in: K. Matthijs, J. Kok & H. Bras. Leren van historische levenslopen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Acco: Leuven.
- Bras, H. 2011. Intensification of family relations? Changes in the choice of marriage witnesses in the Netherlands, 1830-1950, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 8(4):102-135.
- Bras, H. 2011. Book review of Jan Kok and Jan Van Bavel (eds.), De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum. Leuven: Leuven University Press, BMGN-LCHR 126(2), 150-151.
- Bras, H., A.C. Liefbroer, & C.A. Elzinga. 2010. Standardization of pathways to adulthood? An analysis of Dutch cohorts born between 1850 and 1900, Demography 47(4): 1013-1034.
- Matthijs, K., B. Van De Putte, J. Kok, & H. Bras. 2010. Leven in de Lage Landen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Acco: Leuven.
- Suanet, B. & H. Bras. 2010. De rol van de huwelijksplaats. Gemeentelijke context en huwelijkstiming in negentiende en begin twintigste-eeuws Nederland, in: K. Matthijs, B. Van De Putte, J. Kok en H. Bras, Leven in de Lage Landen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Acco: Leuven.
- Suanet, B. & H. Bras. 2010. The Role of the Wedding Place. Community Context and Marital Timing in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Netherlands, The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 15(3):316-332.
- Bras, H., J. Kok, & K. Mandemakers. 2010. Sibship Size and Status Attainment Across Contexts: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1840-1925, Demographic Research 23-4, 73-104.
- Mandemakers, K., J. Kok & H. Bras. 2009 (eds.). De Historische Steekproef Nederland (HSN). Van geboortebank tot collaboratory. Themanummer Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 6(4).
- Kok, J., K. Mandemakers, and H. Bras. 2009. Van geboortebank tot collaboratory. Een reflectie op twintig jaar dataverzameling en onderzoek met de HSN, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 6(4), 3-36.
- Kok, J. & H. Bras. 2009. Uitzwermen of samenklitten? De ruimtelijke spreiding van broers en zussen over stad en land van Noord-Holland, 1850-1940, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 6(4), 115-138.
- Bras, H., F. van Poppel, & K. Mandemakers. 2009. Relatives as Spouses. Preferences and Opportunities for Kin Marriage in a Western Society, American Journal of Human Biology 21(6), 793-804.
- Bras, H. 2009. Book review of Betsy Biemond-Boer. 2008. Die Hollanders zijn gek! Identiteit en integratie van bevindelijk gereformeerden in Canada. Amsterdam: Aksant, Migrantenstudies.
- Bras, H., A.C. Liefbroer & C. H. Elzinga. 2008. Standaardisering van leefvormen? Trajecten naar volwassenheid van Nederlanders, 1850-1940 in: I. Maas, M.H.D. van Leeuwen and K. Mandemakers (eds), Honderdvijftig jaar levenslopen. De Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking. Boekaflevering Mens en Maatschappij. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Kok, J. & H. Bras. 2008. Clustering and dispersal of siblings in the North-Holland countryside, 1860-1940, Historical Social Research 33(3), 278-300.
- Bras, H. & Th. van Tilburg. 2007. Kinship and Social Networks: A Regional Analysis of Sibling Relations in Twentieth-Century Netherlands, Journal of Family History 32(3), 296-322.
- Bras, H. & M. Neven. 2007. The Effects of Siblings on the Migration of Women in Two Rural Areas of Belgium and The Netherlands, 1829-1940, Population Studies, 61(1), 53-71.
- Bras, H. & M. Neven. 2007. Mariage et décohabitation dans deux sociétés rurales (XIXe-XXe siècles). Frères et sœurs : rivaux ou solidaires?, pp. 181-218, in : M. Oris, G. Brunet, E. Widmer en A. Bideau (eds), Les Fratries. Une démographie sociale de la germanité. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Bras, H. 2006. Migratie en huwelijkssluiting van Zeeuwse vrouwen, 1850-1940. Broers en zusters: helpers of rivalen?, Zeeland 15(1), 18-32.
- Bras, H. & J. Kok. 2006. They live in indifference together’. Marriage mobility in Zeeland (The Netherlands), 1796-1922, pp. 247-274, in: Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas en Andrew Miles, Marriage Choices and Class Boundaries: Social Endogamy in History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bras, H. 2006. Book review of Zwemer, J. (ed.) 2005. Zeeland 1950-1965. Vlissingen: Den Boer/De Ruiter, Mens & Maatschappij 81(1).
- Bras, H. & J. Kok. 2005. ‘They live in indifference together’. Marriage mobility in Zeeland (The Netherlands), 1796-1922, International Review of Social History 50, 247-274.
- Bras, H. 2004. Social change, the institution of service and youth: The case of service in the lives of rural-born Dutch women, 1840-1940, Continuity and Change 19 (2), 241-264.
- Bras, H. 2003. Maids to the City: Migration Patterns of Female Domestic Servants from the Province of Zeeland, the Netherlands (1850-1950), The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 8(2), 217-246.
- Bras, H. & J. Kok. 2003. “Naturally, Every Child Was Supposed to Work”: Determinants of the Leaving Home Process in The Netherlands, 1850-1940, pp. 403-450, in: F. van Poppel, M. Oris en J. Lee (eds), The Road to Independence. Leaving home in Eastern and Western Societies, 16th-20th centuries. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Bras, H. 2002. Zeeuwse meiden. Dienen in de levensloop van vrouwen, ca. 1850-1950. IISG: Studies + Essays 34. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers.
- Bras, H. 1998. Domestic Service, Migration and the Social Status of Women at Marriage. The Case of a Dutch Sea Province, Zeeland 1820-1935, Historical Social Research, 23, 3-19.
- Bras, H. 1998. “Wat of een dienstmeid een zwerveling is”: geografische en sociale mobiliteit van dienstboden in Zeeland in: K. Mandemakers, O. Hoogerhuis en A. de Klerk, Over Zeeuwse Mensen. Demografische en sociale ontwikkelingen in Zeeland in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Themanummer tijdschrift Zeeland 7(3), 91-103.
- Bras, H. 1996, ‘Boven en beneden’, Roodkoper. Maandblad voor cultuur, religie en politiek, 1 (2), p. 6. Book review of Diane de Keyzer. 1995. “Madame est servie”. Leven in dienst van adel en burgerij 1900-1995.
- Beunder, S., H. Bras & P. van Dijk. 1996. Basismetaalindustrie. Projectbureau Industrieel Erfgoed Rapportenreeks 33.
- Bras, H. 1994. “Vriendschapsplanten moeten met malkanderen opgroeien…”: Negentiende-eeuwse Groningse pioniers en hun etniciteit in Noord-Amerika’, pp. 167-178 in: Hans Bak (ed.), The Pursuit of Happiness en de Paradox van de vrijheid. Nijmegen.
- Bras, H. 1993. Levensgeschiedenissen in den vreemde: Beukma, Borgman en Van Peyma, pp. 78-80 in: Annemieke Galema, Wolfgang Grams en Antonius Holtmann (eds.), Van de Ene en de Andere kant: Noordnederlandse en Noordwestduitse migratie naar de Verenigde Staten in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen: UB Groningen.